
cruise missile 巡航導彈。


The traditional air defense system which detect and attack targets only depend on ordinarily radar was in an exceedingly passive position and difficult to ward off blows when the cruise missile was used in war 它的出現使得傳統的僅僅依靠普通雷達探測目標和引導武器射擊目標的防空系統處于極端被動和難以招架的局面。

U . s . prosecutors in miami said the indictment against ko - suen moo alleges he tried to buy engines for an f - 16 fighter jet and blackhawk helicopters , as well as cruise missiles and air - to - air missiles 在邁阿密的聯邦檢察官說,對慕可舜的起訴是:他試圖購買f - 16戰機和黑鷹直升機的發動機以及巡航導彈和空對空導彈。

Then , an integrated analysis soft system with visualized structure is designed with vc + + 6 . 0 and vfor6 . 5 . at last , the sample of a cruise missile is analyzed with this soft system 本文設計了一種巡航導彈外形氣動rcs綜合設計分析的軟件結構系統,然后利用vc + + 6 . 0和vfor6 . 5編制了該軟件的可視化實用程序。

Our country ' s cruise missile enterprise had a big disparity with the international advanced level , especially the missile ’ s firing accuracy , although had having the big development 我國巡航導彈事業雖已有了較大的發展,但與國際先進水平相比差距仍較大,尤其是導彈的射擊精度仍處于較低的水平。

To tighten its export control system , to sell no more anti - ship cruise missiles to iran ? these vital decisions were all in our interest , and they clearly were the fruit of our engagement 美國的第二項策略性目標,是支持香港繼續成為成長且充滿活力的金融中心,以及中國與其他亞洲國家經濟的動力。

Finally , two key technology of system are described : data management based on database and visualization . in addition , a simulation instance is provided which simulates assaulting course of cruise missile 接下來介紹了系統實現的兩頂關鍵技術:基于數據庫的數據管理技術和可視化技術。

The use of cruise missile puts forth a extensive threat on the important target in the war field , and transforms the war manner , and so cruise missile becomes the important battle strengthen 巡航導彈的使用對戰場重要目標構成了巨大威脅,并改變了作戰樣式,成為空中打擊的主戰力量。

The government says it looked at other nuclear - deterrent systems , including launching adapted trident missiles from land or ships , or firing cruise missiles from long - range aircraft 政府說可以對比其它核威懾系統,包括路基或海基三叉戟導彈平臺,以及發射巡航導彈的遠程戰機。

Based on the analysis to the particularity of the cruise missile attacking , a complete recognition method based on the knowledge is developed 巡航導彈攻擊目標的特殊性使得傳統的基于塊狀目標和基于強輻射點源目標的識別方法不再適用,由此引入了基于知識的識別方法。

Researching the technique to effectively confront cruise missile threat becomes a very important and pressing task for future hi - technology local wars 因此研究如何能夠有效對抗巡航導彈威脅,成為未來高技術局部戰爭的一項極端重要而又非常緊迫的任務。

Simulation results display that the approach can be quite accurate and effective when applied in the terrain - matching simulation of the cruise missile . 3 仿真結果表明,該算法的匹配精度和速度都能夠較好地滿足要求,是一種可行的匹配算法。

Some lawmakers warned that the cost of post - war peace could be even higher than the price for thousands of spent bombs and cruise missiles 一些立法者警告道,戰后恢復和平要付出比所用的成千上萬的炸彈和巡航導彈更高的代價

Cruise missiles launched from afar or by charges placed by special forces can collapse tunnel entrances , trapping a facility ' s contents 由遠處發射的巡弋飛彈或由特種部隊安置的炸藥可炸毀地道入口,困住設施中的人與物。

Neither would it prevent cruise missiles or bombers , whose flights are within the earth ' s atmosphere , from hitting their targets 它也不能阻止巡航導彈或轟炸機擊中它們的目標,因為這些導彈或轟炸機都在大氣層內飛行。

Therefore , the paper analyzes the strong and weak points of cruise missile and studies some feasible defense methods against the cruise missile 對巡航導彈的強點與弱點進行了分析,并研究了防御巡航導彈的可行方法。

Neither would it prevent cruise missiles or bombers , whose flights are within the earth ' s atmosphere , from hitting their targets 由于巡航導彈和轟炸機的射程是大氣層范圍以內,所以它無法阻止他們擊中目標。

They can disable ballistic and cruise missiles at any time from seconds after launch to seconds before impact 在敵人彈道導彈和巡航導彈發射后的幾秒鐘到擊中目標前的幾秒鐘這一段時間內,他們能夠將其摧毀。

Neither would it prevent cruise missiles or bombers , whose flights are within the earth ' s atmosphere , from hitting their targets 譯文:它也不能防止軌道在地球大氣層以內的洲際導彈和轟炸機命中目標。

In recent years , moreover , israel is rumoured to have put nuclear cruise missiles on board its three dolphin submarines 然而近幾年,以色列不斷放言已將裝有核彈的巡航導彈部署到3艘海豚級潛艇上。